History and Glory
We are in the field of internet marketing for the past seven years and have given very high results to our clients on search engines. Now we want to start something of our own through which we can serve the people and make some money. So we thought of many ideas from which Promoocodes is one outcome. You will see much more public-friendly websites and portals in future years.
October 2016 – We are now getting traffic from different search engine. Our team is still working on content and updating website on regular basis. We even got our first affiliate reference. Now focus on better visibility with quality content.
August 2016 – Still we are adding content on our blog page and store page. Hope we can make Promoocodes.com available for the public in the last week of this month.
21st August 2016 – We are now live for public and search engine. Now need more hard work and support of all users around the world. Also hope search engine will take our website positively, especially Google baba. Hope for the best, We will try best to give the best saving for our users.
July 2016 – We are working on website content and getting permission from top stores around the world. Hope our team make the website live next month.
June 2016 – First prototype of Promoocodes.com is our and we have started testing website as per end user need.
May 2016 – Our team take a step forward and start giving shape to the idea of giving best savings to the users. Website design and development began. We also began research work on the website.
January 2016 – Idea of giving best deals for user around the world came in Our mind, and we booked the domain promoocodes.com.