Godaddy! When you get to hear this word you assume that, the web hosting and domain name provider company. Godaddy now top of the notch in domain name registrar field. The company is serving people in this area since 1997, and it’s 20 years of glorious work. Since the Godaddy in this sector, they always look ahead and continuously rising. You may be thinking that how and why a company is still gaining soo popularity and clients?
In Domain Name Registrar sector several companies were delivering their services. Many of companies running before Godaddy and after it too. But, Godaddy still acquiring the No. 1 position for Domain Name Registrar. Its GoDaddy 99 cent domain promo is one of the biggest reasons that helped it to achieve this milestone.
You may get to know what was the history of being on top since the company founded. Let’s take a look how Godaddy is rising and shining after many incidents and lawsuits.
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Controversies and Incidents of Godaddy
Before becoming the top Domain Registrar company, Godaddy has to go through several future-defining controversies. Godaddy gets sued many times on different occasions. The company sued for False Ads, Cybersquatting, and many unauthorized charges. Once Godaddy has to used for violating their terms and guarantees, and troubling customer. This small incident didn’t affect Godaddy too much, but one of the famous event with Seclists.org happen.

Controversy with Seclists.org
Godaddy dismantled the domain of Computer Security site in 2007. Godaddy shut down the website and result after that, and Godaddy gets sued by MySpace for disclosing above than 56,000 username and passwords on Seclists.org. After that, Godaddy deactivated the domain name Seclists.org without informing to an owner of a domain name. To reactivate the Domain Name, Gordon Lyon has to go through lengthy procedures. So, They hosted the website to Linode, after shifting the owner of Lyon Created a website NoDaddy.com.
At NoDaddy people can share their dissatisfaction results about Godaddy. After that, Bob Parsons purchased the No Daddy and turned it as plus point for them, and the No daddy hit the top 5 results on behalf of Godaddy. This would be the one of big controversies with Godaddy. Besides of this dispute, they have to survive through many complications of several incidents. One of the widespread occurrence of Super Bowl Ad which makes lots of trouble game.
This would be the one of big controversy with Godaddy. Besides of this dispute, they have to survive through many complications of several incidents. One of the widespread occurrences of Super Bowl Ad which makes lots of trouble game.
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How Godaddy Manage the Domain Services?
Godaddy is currently now managing above than 61 million domain names. They were serving 13 million customers to manage their business. The company is known for the hope of small business owners, Under the professional team and 24/7 active support makes work easy to handle your domain and other services. The Godaddy Data Center is capable of managing your website and keeping you on uptime. With the help of approximately 5,000 employees, they are always available to make a big judgment and solve your problem.
So, maybe you will in mid of decision for purchasing the domain name through Godaddy or not? Let’s take a look at competitors who are serving before Godaddy and After Godaddy.
Godaddy With Competitors
As being No.1 Domain Name service provider, Godaddy has to face different competitors. Some of the competitors are existing before, but Godaddy still ranked as No. 1 domain name service provider. Just Take a look below the few companies who are competing Godaddy for a long time and still not beat it.
- Namecheap – Namecheap is known for its best pricing range for domain name and hostings. I used the domain name and hosting service under the Namecheap and got a very impressive response. It’s affordable and fit for the small business owners, but have some problems from the support side.
- Register.com – One of the oldest and experienced domain name service provider. Register.Com delivers domain name wth top level extensions. Due to an old and high-level website for offering the best service for a domain name and other products is costly. So, it’s not fit in the pocket of small business startups, who want to start a business on an online platform.
- Gandi – Gandi is known for it’s simple to work and dedication fo their clients. The cheapest and customers friendly domain name registrar who confronted for delivering the lowest price of services. The company founded in 1999 and offered the domain registration service the long time ago.

Why Choose Godaddy Domain Name & Other Services?
Godaddy the world’s top domain name and hosting registrar in this sector. Do you want to know why you go for the Godaddy’s service to start a business? The reason of Godaddy the one of a reliable and well-organized company who always dedicated to delivering you the best service. You can start your business at the cheap cost, in short, small investing and gain. Godaddy’s best pricing plan One Dollar Web Hosting per month, which is affordable for every start-up. The active 24/7 service of support team anyhow to serve you best. People choose Godaddy because the trust influence of company is bigger than imagination.

Beating Google as Domain Name Registrar!
As we know Google is not only a search engine, it’s a brand who develop itself in every field. When Google enters in different business other favorite company got throughout of it. They eliminate the Yahoo when we all are using it as the search engine. Google also tried to use its hand in Domain Registration sector in 2014. But from then they still not beat the Godaddy or other Domain registration companies. The fight to being on top by Godaddy s still going on let’s see Google can beat Godaddy or other companies can take over the position of No.1.

So, You must get to know that why and how Godaddy is still top of the notch. Godaddy is competing with well-known companies and old companies. So, I would like to hear your opinions through comment box.
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